Emmanuella Driciru

Emmanuella Driciru wrote the Article on the Critical Appraisal of helminth-Tuberculosis interaction. 

Hi, I am Emmanuella. It's been such fun working with my team on the blog during the Immunology in the Tropics Course. And WOWW... lots of new perspective on the Helminth-TB interaction (by the way, i have always been skeptical about this interaction).

I am a student of Master of Science in Immunology and Clinical Microbiology at Makerere University College of Health Sciences and a MUII-plus fellow. I completed my Bachelors degree in Biotechnology from Makerere University in 2016 and this course has been useful in impacting new incites on helminth immunology and i hope you have fun reading the blog!
See you there!

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